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Five reasons to buy second hand phones
1. Price
A second hand Samsung S7 Edge + is currently £369.99 on Fone Store. If you want it box fresh you’ll have to fork out an extra £227 as the handset costs £597 brand new, which isn’t very wallet friendly. Price is the obvious place to start really, when you think about it, some of the latest models can cost over half a month’s wages to the average person. It certainly pays off to be a little patient and less particular about someone else having previously used the phone you want.
What about taking out a contract for an iPhone 7 Plus? Well, the 32GB model will cost you £55.99 a month for two years. Which sounds reasonable, until you realise that will be £1,343.76 after 24 months. That’s over £600 more than buying brand new at £719! – Ouch! (£559.99 for an almost new one at Fone Store)
2. Less to lose if it goes wrong or missing
Sadly, despite the great leaps and bounds in smartphone technology, durability has gone backwards. Dropping you old Nokia in 2003 was a casual oops, but any slips with your brand new iPhone and you’re looking at repair bill to make your eyes water. What’s more, when you send your phone of to be fixed, it might not be the same one that comes back, instead some other refurbished phone of the same model will be sent out – so if you buy new and break it you’ll technically end up with second hand anyway!
So if you spend a little less on a phone that may have already seen some action, you’ll not be as disappointed if it breaks.
3. More options
Each brand roughly brings out one new model at a time. But if you buy used, there’s a whole back catalogue of phones from their primitive beginnings to the present day. Some quirky, some quality and some that are best left in the past.
4. A phone you love
You might not like the latest super phone. What if your favourite model is one you had a few years ago and the newer handsets haven’t lived up to the standard? You could find that one of a kind mobile, cheap and fully checked and tested ready for everyday use on Fone Store.
5. Good for the environment
Finally, and arguably most importantly, one less phone making its way to landfill is a good thing. The majority of manufactures have made big efforts to refurbish their products, but buying second will be a little step towards improving the environment.