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30 Interesting Mobile Phone Facts You Never Knew
by Fone Store
Mobile phones are a huge part of our lives now but it’s surprising at some of the things we don’t know about them. Just take a look at 30 interesting facts below.
- IBM launched the first smart phone back on the 16th August 1994. It had a touchscreen, stylus and came with preinstalled functions like an address book, calculator, calendar and note pad
- The Highest ever mobile phone bill was $201,000 and was charged to Celina Aarons. Celina’s brothers were deaf and mute and so communicated via text, one brother sent over 2000 texts and downloaded videos at a cost of over $2000 per vid whilst on a trip to Canada.
- The Guiness world record for the fastest texter is Sonja Kristiansen of Norway who was able to text the following message in 37.28 seconds “The razor-toothed piranhas of the general Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality, they seldom attack a human.”
- Your mobile phone has more computing power in it than the computer used for the Apollo 11 moon landing
- The first mobile phone call was in 1973 by Martin Cooper, a former Motorola inventor
- The first mobile phone was Motorola Dyna TAC 8000X and was invented in 1983 by Martin Copper, a senior employee at Motorola. It weighed around 1.1 kg, could only store 30 contacts and could only be used for around 30 minutes per charge. It went on sale in the USA at around $4000 each
- In Malaysia it is legal to divorce your spouse via text message
- 47% of millennial’s say that they use their smartphone to avoid people around them
- Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles
- In Japan 90% of phones are waterproof as youngsters love them so much they take them everywhere including the shower
- Scientists have developed a way of charging a mobile phone using urine
- Apple’s iPhone consumes 20p worth of electricity each year if fully charged once a day
- 65% of smartphone users download no apps at all each month
- Apple’s iPhone has higher sales than everything Microsoft has on the market
- More people in the world have mobile phones than toilets
- Nomophobia is the fear of being without your mobile phone or losing signal
- Mobile phone throwing is an official sport in Finland
- The Nokia 1100 sold over 250million, making it the bestselling electrical gadget in history
- 100,000 phones are dropped down the toilet in the UK each year
- China has more internet users on mobile phones than PC’s
- So many Facebook photos and videos are uploaded from mobiles that it takes up 27% of upstream web traffic
- The technology behind smartphones relies on up to 250,000 separate patents
- 99% of all mobile Malware is targeted at android users
- Mobile phone radiation can cause insomnia, headaches and confusion
- The average person unlocks their phone 110 times per day
- 47% of smartphone owners say that they ‘couldn’t live without’ their smartphone
- In 2015 more people died from taking selfies than from shark attacks
- The world’s most expensive iPhone 5 was worth $15 Million and was made from 135 grams of 24 carat gold and the chassis was inlaid with 600 white diamonds
- Android is owned by more than 80% of users in the world
- Apple sold 37.04 million iPhones in 2012 in just 14 weeks. That’s 340,000 phones a day, 262 phones per-minute and 4 phones per-second.